Macbook Setup 2024 Edition It's been a while since I've picked up a new laptop. I opted for an M3 Max with 36GB of RAM and a 2TB SSD which feels like a bit of a future proof sweet spot once you're already crossed the rubicon into "
Let's build the fediverse Reasons why decentralization won’t work far outweigh the reasons it might work, but I think the Fediverse gets it right by putting the power where it belongs: with passionate communities and developers building stuff because it’s cool, because it makes their community stronger, more connected.
How MeebitsDAO airdropped Polygon NFTs to members So what happened was that the 6th most rare Meebit was fractionalized into 1M pieces, and 30,000 (3%) of those fragments were graciously donated to MeebitsDAO by Divergence.VC. Kai proposed that a fun way to re-distribute those fractions would be to do a giveaway contest. Earn tickets for
Browsers, Innovators Dilemma, and Project Tofino update 08/04: I should have been clearer that Project Tofino is wholly focused on UX explorations and not the technology platform. We are working with the Platform team on technology platform futures too, and we’re excited about the Gecko and Servo-based futures being discussed! Also, don’t forget
Content blocking is the web at its best Disclaimer: I’m SVP of Firefox at Mozilla, I’m clearly biased, but I’m writing here just as me. IT’S ALL ABOUT ME, DAMNIT. Boy there’s been a lot of attention on content blocking in the last week! Apple entered the debate with the blunt instrument that